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Leadership - Empowering - Diversity

A breakthrough dual-system within U.S. Education that will foster high-level creative thinkers and innovators in the new age of A.I. 

“A society's competitive advantage will come not from how well its schools teach the multiplication and periodic tables, but from how well they stimulate imagination and creativity.” – Einstein

The current process of forcing students to memorize information and then grading them on how well they regurgitate it is already outdated. But the approaching AI revolution will make this process completely obsolete and force U.S. Education to change. In the future, the value of education will reside solely in how students’ minds can be engaged to creatively find, aggregate, transform and use information in new ways. Creative skills will ultimately define professional and personal success. 


​Consequently, the four domains of profession-based experiential learning, the arts, thought experiments and team-oriented computer gaming will be the ultimate future core curriculum of U.S. Education to teach the needed creative skills. Furthermore, this curriculum must be integrated into a new system that can be sustainable and innovate ahead of the needs of an evolving society around it. Current ‘education experts’ are completely out of their league to achieve these necessary results. They will experiment with teaching systems for decades to come until evidence starts pointing to a system that can be successful. This will be a chaotic transition with many brutal failures. Consequently, many decades and generations of students will be lost until a final new system emerges that can scale throughout all of U.S. Education. But these future failures can be bypassed with a breakthrough solution to implement that new system now.  


​That new system is LED Accelerator, which will develop gifted students to become high-level creative thinkers, leaders, and breakthrough innovators. LED Accelerator would be a dual system within U.S. Education, sharing the goals of other dual systems like Xerox, PARC, DARPA and Google X that were created to be vertically intensive within their respective parent organization. It would also operate like a startup accelerator, empowering its participating students to collaborate and compete in using tools that exist in the current world to manifest the products and services they intuitively see existing in the future world. The self-directed LED Accelerator student teams, within each school district, will be utilizing best practices, learning strategies and interactive cultures within the constant adversity of hyper-changing environments. The outcome will be hyper-changing curriculum and team achievements. 


Through this process, LED Accelerator will provide the internally generated evidence-based data for educators and administrators to analyze and then decide on which aspect to use to continually advance the rest of U.S. Education, the respective parent organization of LED Accelerator. So the current process of relying on failed guesses of ‘education experts’ to originate future curriculum and doctrines will cease. The internally generated evidence-based data of LED Accelerator will be the impetus to continually innovate the entire U.S. Education system ahead of society’s evolving social, economic, government and military needs.

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